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Craft the best docs in the world

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Securely synced and available across devices
Craft for You

Get organized at home, at work, or with your team

Craft for Work

Bring all your work together

Craft works the way you work and creates a seamless connection within and across your teams. It's trusted by millions, including teams at:

Select customers using Craft

Daily Notes

Supercharge your daily stand‑ups

Share powerful, calendar-connected daily updates. Align on priorities, catch blockers and move forward, together with Daily Notes.

A team member sharing a daily update in Craft with a checklist of completed tasks from yesterday
A team member sharing a daily update in Craft tasks and blockers for today
Collaborative Docs

Go from idea to impact, together

Make a note, share it with your team, and watch as your big ideas transform into documents, projects and presentations that resonate.

A product team collaborating on user research docs in Craft
A marketing team collaborating on a sales deck in Craft
A design team collaborating on brand guidelines in Craft
An engineering team collaborating on Documentation in Craft


Find everything you need

Bring your team’s knowledge together, so you don’t have to ask “can you send me a link?” again.

The righ hand side bar in Craft displaying a collection of Company wiki folders with sections for each department
Knowledge base page for the company travel policy in Craft


The context you need, all in one place

Connect your other tools to create a single source of truth in Craft. Check the status of a Linear ticket, share a video or provide extra context for discussion and decision making.

This Week's Update
A rich link preview of a Linear ticket being added to a Craft docA rich link preview of a Github ticket being added to a Craft docA rich link preview of Slack thread being added to a Craft docA Youtube video embed being added to a Craft doc

“Craft helps me collaborate with my team across time zones and geographic boundaries. It’s our go-to app for staying organized and keeping our projects on-track.”

Headshot of Peter Thomas

Peter Thomas

CEO of Averetek

All the tools you need

Images & Videos

Add context and visual interest to your updates to make them easier to digest.

Examples of videos, images and designs you can embed in Craft docs

Built-in AI Assistant

Ask AI to summarize your update, check spelling and grammar or generate ideas.

The Craft AI Assistant suggesting names for a document

Comments & Reactions

Show some love, start a conversation and speed up decision making.

A comment on a Craft doc where Avery Santo is saying "Love the new colors"

Code Blocks

Share syntax highlighted code blocks in your updates and documents.

A code snippet shared using the code block feature in Craft

Structured Documents

Group related ideas into Cards & Pages to add more detail for those who need it.

Craft doc examples showing different kinds of document structure using cards

Rich Link Previews

Get the info you need at-a-glance with detailed and dynamic link previews.

A rich link preview of a Miro board that includes the board name and description, the team and the date it was last updated

“100 requests, 10 clients, 1 Craft. That’s how it’s done. No need to juggle different systems and hope one works. Easy and intuitive for myself and my clients.”

Headshot of Abdallah Hammad

Abdallah Hammad

Business Developer at TMA Method

The Details

We sweat the small stuff

We believe that form and function go hand-in-hand. That's why we've weaved delight into almost every interaction in Craft.

3D animations

(Actually) useful notifications

Speedy workflows

Smart shortcuts

Seamless interactions

Intuitive design

Ready to get started?

Download Craft for free. No credit card required.

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