Answering the same questions over and over?

Question Base is an AI autoresponder for Slack.
It answers the most repetitive questions, so you don't have to.

Works in

You’ve tried it all…

You documented all the know-how, yet people don’t read it.

Creating a #questions channel only made the problem bigger.

The AI solutions are giving hallucinations…

Meet Question Base.

Generated by AI. Verified by you.

No dependencies
People get answers within 3 sec.
Low effort
It learns from your chat history.
Verified answers
You control what answers go in.

Automate answering repetitive questions.

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Made for

Busy Managers


Enable sales and support with the latest on product.


Grow your startup without being a bottleneck.


Spend more time coaching your team.

You're wasting time

Managers keep getting the same questions over and over.


questions received a day


a week spent answering


repetitive questions

* Based on discovery calls conducted with 200+ managers we have have conducted.

Don’t answer twice.

Question Base generates a database of answers for the common questions people ask.

Do we offer discounts?
What can be said about
How do we measure up against our competitors?
What is our ICP?
How to file for vacation?
How to get reimbursed?
Where can I find the logo in green?
What's the WIFI pass?
How to deal with an angry customer?
Do we offer discounts?
What can be said about
How do we measure up against our competitors?
What is our ICP?
How to file for vacation?
How to get reimbursed?
Where can I find the logo in green?
What's the WIFI pass?
How to deal with an angry customer?
What is the link to the Medium article shared by Cooper?
What is the link to the Duma report?
What is the link to the Chrome extension recommended by Affinity?
Who is Maloni and what does he want?
What issue has been detected with the email system?
What is the name of the head of TA at Acme who is being let go?
What is the link to the Medium article shared by Cooper?
What is the link to the Duma report?
What is the link to the Chrome extension recommended by Affinity?
Who is Maloni and what does he want?
What issue has been detected with the email system?
What is the name of the head of TA at Acme who is being let go?

People love it

“Since we started using QB we haven’t used our Google support docs.”

Linn Stokke, Customer Success Manager

“Before Question Base, we saw repetitive questions all around Slack.”

Aleksandar Ginovski, Product Manager

“If I go on vacation or sick leave, I feel comfortable that QB will just take over”

Linn Stokke, Customer Success Manager

“It’s like having an extra person answering questions in Slack.”

Willem Bens, Manager of Sales North EMEA
@DoIT International

“Phenomenal product with an amazing team behind it.”

Joshua Miller, Product Manager
@Corpay One

“Great tool. Super useful.”

Dan Mould, CEO

Easy set up.
Easy maintenance.

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Question Base uses AI to generate questions and answers based on chat history.

Verify the answers

Review the answers to ensure accuracy. You are always in control of the content.

Ready to go

Question Base monitors your @DMs and #channels for new questions and answers the moment it detects a new one.

Imagine this…

You spend less time answering questions on Slack.

You spend less time documenting things.

Your team is less dependent on you.

Automate repetitive questions in Slack.

✓  Instant answers

✓  Control the content

✓  AI powered

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Backed by brilliant
& bold investors

Angels from
Question Base - Turn Slack into a knowledge base with generative AI | Product Hunt
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