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The synthetic data platform for developers.

Generate artificial datasets with the same characteristics as real data, so you can develop and test AI models without compromising privacy.
Gretel Model Creation Workflow
The complete multimodal synthetic data platform.

Generate accurate and safe synthetic data, on demand.

Gretel’s APIs make it simple to generate anonymized and safe synthetic data so you can innovate faster and preserve privacy while doing it.
Developer ready, product focused.

Get started with synthetic data generation in less than five minutes.

Gretel Cloud Console
Sign up instantly with the Gretel Console and start generating synthetic data, no code required.
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Deploy Gretel for enterprise use cases

Google Cloud Marketplace
Google Cloud

Harness the power of generative AI in your enterprise with Gretel and Google Cloud.

AWS Marketplace

Unlock the power of multi-modal synthetic data in your enterprise with AWS.

Azure Marketplace

Unlock generative AI in Azure with custom AI models that are trained on safe, secure data.

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